personal info of applied mathematics, data engineer and software developer, before that freelance web designer and translator of technical books and documents (german, english). born (1978) and raised in beautiful poland, since 2007 living in netherlands...
some technical info
for my regular outdoor work i lug a large backpack filled with a big black camera and three professional grade zoom lens plus some primes, and vast majority of those photos is shot from a tripod. i also have smaller camera (which is also black) and some smaller and lighter lenses which is a wonderful combination for my regular cycling trips in the free time or when commuting to work. as an old-school "get things right in the camera" guy i also have a large collection of filters, some of which stopped being hip somewhere earlier this century.
the sisu
my personal philosophy of nature photography is to pursue unusual lighting condition and pick appropriate subject and place to match these conditions. most landscape photographers, especially the beginners work the other way around but this unusual approach became natural to me in netherlands where the proximity of north sea results in huge variability and very limited predictability of weather conditions. for a photographer this means very dynamic conditions, thus necessity to act quickly but also to remain patient and humble in front of the powers of nature. nowhere in the world can the wind make so much difference in such a short time. but high risk is also high reward!
contact with me: akustyk (at) polish, english, dutch, german or spanish if you wish.